Photo courtesy of Death to stock photos
Okay, so this post is 15 days too late. But there is no rule that says resolutions have to be made on the first day of the year. Trust me, I checked! But in all seriousness I really do believe that every once in a while we should take time to make appropriate changes in life. Like many of you, I too try to set goals and changes to 'be better'. Call it a "Life Detox" if you will. Although I'm not a fan of change and I do embrace routine, I look for opportunities to venture into the 'unknown'. Try as I might to uncover extra hours in the day, there never seems to be enough time to get it all done!
Blog more. I don’t know if I can commit to a post a day, so I’m going to go ahead and say 'multiple' posts a week. On Mondays I update my "Music Monday" playlist, so check frequently. I really enjoy making designs for this blog, so I"ll post more of those as well.
Work out 3 times a week, not including power walks. Normally my I try for five times a week, but since I'm doing a lot more that I was before, I don't want to clutter my schedule too much. Also I join the gym with a friend so that I'm held accountable for being lazy. But those three times will be actual workouts, not just little walks in the mall (snacking on something unhealthy).
Engage with people on their special occasions like their birthdays. I have to remind myself that other people care about their birthdays and its something that is important to them. I’ve already added them to my calendar for most of my friends and family. If I don't call at least a text, or tweet should suffice.
Well, there you have it – my 2015 resolutions. So, what are your resolutions? Do you have any that are the same or any tips to help me accomplish these?
Here is a lovely "
New Years Resolutions Pledge" poster created by
The House That Lars Built